Because He First Loved Us
ARt features various original art created, written, and/or performed by Adventist artists. – February focus: Human love
2 MIN READOur God is big enough to teach us to love generously those we don’t agree with. Not only is He able to teach us, but He also expects us to do so.
7 MIN READThose who commit to stop speaking “churchese” will find unexpected blessings as they begin to relearn the language of biblical narratives and eternal truths as they relate to a twenty-first century world.
3 MIN READ“I have spent hundreds of dollars of it, but the full $1,700 is still here in the paper bag! How is this possible?”
5 MIN READThe year was 1981. No Google. No laptops. No iPads. And I didn’t know much about Seventh-day Adventists.
4 MIN READCleaning troughs and stalls is just as much a part of the work as the harvest is.
2 MIN READEveryone has a place in God’s work and is called to be faithful in proclaiming God’s last-day message.
5 MIN READErton C. Köhler recently met with Adventist leaders in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria.
3 MIN READIn this edition we feature stories from Iceland, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Germany, and Syria.
5 MIN READTed N. C. Wilson participates of the “Together in Mission” celebration.
5 MIN READChanMin Chung has been appointed Global Mission Centers director.
3 MIN READStories from the Philippines, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay.
5 MIN READExhibition includes more than 100 images on the humanitarian agency’s work.
3 MIN READHe replaces Bill Payne, director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries at the NAD.
2 MIN READStories from Peru, United States, Ukraine, Australia, and Croatia.
5 MIN READGod is the greatest advocate for justice, and He’s also the greatest victim of injustice.
– Dee Casper